Monday, May 24, 2010

Should an Electronics engineer learn Unix programming?

What does Unix do? Is it another language like C and C++? what are the differences?

And will it be of any use to a, say, to a telecommunications engineer?

Should an Electronics engineer learn Unix programming?
unix is a familiy of operating systems with a similiar set of design/behaviors. Other examples of operating systems are OS X, Windows, DOS.

Specific operating systems that are considered "a unix" or "unix-like" are AIX, Solaris, HP-UX, GNU/Linux, FreeBSD.

Telecoms are big on unix. You may find the tools you need, or the software/hardware you work with is running in a unix environment more often then not. It would be valuable to know how to work on a unix-system (editors, navigate the filesystem, create simple pipelines for data manipulation) and maybe write/compile/debug simple C programs.
Reply:Unix is an operating system like Windows, but this operating system is normally suitable for commercial holdings rather than home purpose.

So, you write programs in C and C++ languages. And for you to run these programs, you have to use an operating system, either Windows or UNIX.

It is definitely good to learn UNIX. It is a strong platform and it would be interesting to learn the commands.
Reply:Unix is more like windows, and c++, it's both an operating system, and a language.

It may not be important, to a telecom engineer, specifically. Really it depends on what a particular company uses to run their system.

That said, Unix is also the basis for Linux, so if you understand one, you have a good idea about what to do with the other. It will pop up in places you might not even expect. A large portion of HD television sets run on linux based code.

It's not used as heavily as it was, years ago, but many corporations still rely heavily on Unix.
Reply:To be honest mate, It cant hurt to learn it.

If you know your way round a unix system, its something to put on your CV.

Those above have explained what it is.

for an easy way in, try Ubuntu (some like it some dont, but you can get a "Live CD" which lets you run a linux operating system without installing it)

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