Friday, July 31, 2009

Programming question. Best order to learn??

Hi I have a question that I want to ask. What is the best order to learn programming?? Right now I'm going like this:

html %26gt; javascript %26gt; css %26gt; flash actionscript

and then I want to learn asp, php and other server side things. Please tell me what I should learn next! thanks!!

Programming question. Best order to learn??
I would disagree with the previous post about learning ASP before PHP, unless you have access to Microsoft Visual Studio .NET. This is a really expensive piece of software and you're not really going to be able to write any sample ASP programs without it. I would advise using PHP. It's free to download and doesn't require any special (or non-free) software to use it. And contrary to what the previous post stated, I don't feel that PHP is any more difficult to program in than ASP.
Reply:html and css first..

then you can get into studio 8 programs (in this order: fireworks, flash, then dreamweaver).

Adobe programs could come next (really you could learn these at any time).. Photoshop, Illustrator, etc.

actionscript you should learn after you've done flash. the script is useless if you don't understand flash.

then go with the server side things. I use cold fusion. It is more expensive to host (GoDaddy charges $1.99 per month to enable the capability), but I think it is worth it..

the html and css is very important that you do those first. If you start off with dreamweaver, then you will never understand how to write your own code and will constantly be depending on dreamweaver to write the code for you.
Reply:None… you first need to learn programming concepts like use of variables, if statements, while loops, methods, object oriented programming, etc. which are basically the same exact thing in almost all the programming languages. Once you’ve learned the basics you pick a language depending on what you want to make, in your case PHP, ASP, flash, etc.

Or C++/DirectX/OpenGL if you wanted to make PC games…

Html isn’t really a “language” its so general and easy you can probable learn it in a couple of hours even if you don’t have any programming experience… For websites however, you’d *defiantly* need to learn html first (and css, which also isn’t really a “programming language” its really easy to learn)

Once you can make the basic tables, forms, etc with html and css you can learn the other stuff.

Personally I’d start from easiest to hardest which is: PHP/ASP %26gt; Flash %26gt; Javascript.

You should probably know that you can make anything with just learning php and flash (only if you have highly interactive flash material, you don’t need flash programming for simple animations)

You may need to throw in a few javascripts for things html/php/flash can’t handle, but 99% of the time you’ll find that someone has already written a script that is free to use… so you can just download it and use it you don’t really NEED to learn javascript.
Reply:i would've learnt CSS before Javascript.

If you want to learn PHP and ASP, i would start with ASP as it is far easier to learn (from my experience) and then if you still want to, learn PHP.

You will also want to learn SQL along side both ASP and PHP

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