Sunday, August 2, 2009

What language do you recommend if you want to learn how to program?

Assuming a person knows nothing about programming, but wants to begin learning, what programming language would be the easiest, yet most effective, introduction to coding?

Which language is easier to transition from when trying to learn other languages?

Are there any languages to avoid?

Where can one learn about and how to program, and tutorials on different programming languages, maybe even a pros and cons site about individual programming languages?

Anyways, thanks for any help you cool kids can offer!

What language do you recommend if you want to learn how to program?
Python is a good beginners language.

It is OO, so it is relatively easy to transition to other OO languages from it.

There are lots of languages to avoid, BrainFuck is an obvious one.
Reply:The most applicable to my life has been visual basic.. i use it for the front end interface of databasing. When used in conjunction with microsoft access you can build some pretty functional stuff. Next to that is SQL (Select Query Language) which is like computer straight logic. (take this information and do this with it, then do that) great for running businesses and corporations.

Say you collect information on a daily basis like daily reports, sick calls, shift tracking.. you can get your users to input information into forms then have your database compute, e-mail, report whatever you want it to do with the information you would like to collect.. It can make your day alot simpler and you would have loads of time to say.. sit around and answer database questions on yahoo answers :)
Reply:I recommend learning to program if you want to learn to program. Learning a language is NOT learning to program, any more than learning French is learning to write great literature.

Get a copy of Wirth's "Algorithms + Data Structures = Programs". (Amazon usually has a few copies for less than $5.) It'll teach you program design without reference to any computer language.

Then choose the language most appropriate to the job, learn the particular syntax and rules, and you'll actually know what you're doing. Learning languages is easy - knowing how to use them requires a knowledge of program design.
Reply:if you want to make web pages then try xml or html...
Reply:At first there is no the best Programm but there is a way you want to Programming with for example if you want to learn how to create programe for web site and see how people in this world connecting and enjoy with you're web site you need to learn on of these language :

PHP language

ASP language

Could Fujian

and here i will recommend PHP.

And if you want to create that programm in you're computer and install the programe in the computer .... you will choose one of this list:

Visual basic


and here you just need to take Visual basic coz it is coming of Microsoft and don't forget put in you're mind that Delphi is power language ...and Visual basic and Delphi can to give you the same thing but who is powerful ?
Reply:try to do python then learn C then C++ then Java

that is for making games

to make websites do:

HTML then Java Script

Good luck!!!!
Reply:HTML is a good starting language it is fairly simple and it is based on tag coding (EX %26lt;html%26gt;);

For application coding C# or C++ is an excellent language to start off with. It is very similar to PHP and javascript, which are widely used application programming on the web.
Reply:The actual answer to your question depends on your future goals. If you are thinking about development in a professional capacity, then starting with C# or Java makes strategic sense. You can start with a pace as slow or fast as desired; the time investment will be worth it. There are many good books (some free at and courses to assist with these powerful object-oriented languages.

If you are a hobbyist, then Python or Ruby should be considered. During the 70's and 80's, the answer would have been Basic (primarily Microsoft's popular version). There are many flavors of Basic today such as, TrueBasic, Dark Basic, or Microsoft Office VBA. Some truly swear by Delphi (based on Pascal) but it has a rather limited audience.

On the cheap, you can simply start with JavaScript built into every good browser. JavaScript is very easy to learn and has webpage utility for DHTML interactions but will likely breed bad programming habits. However, the coding experience and constructs can translate fairly well to Java programming. I should mention that shell coding on Linux or Unix boxes will also provide programming experience that translates to other languages (procedural types).

If you have the time, select a couple languages to dabble in. Each tool has their own strengths and weaknesses. Therefore, there is no "best" language to master. IBM once thought they could create the ultimate general purpose language by mixing Cobol, Fortran, and Algol together; it was a mild success for their mainframes but didn't spread any further.

I would recommend you avoid functional, logic/list-based or rule-based languages initially. They can be easy to learn but the experience won't translate well to other languages. Therefore, avoid Haskel, Prolog, Lisp, Scheme, etc. There are hundreds of special purpose languages that won't help during transitions. It has its place, but I wouldn't recommend you start with a stack-oriented language (e.g. Forth).

clinton cards

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